rip Freedom Project: Dr Ross Walker : Longevities Series

Monday, September 25, 2006

Dr Ross Walker : Longevities Series

No 6:

You Are What You Eat:

Regardless of the reducing quality of our soil, there is strong evidence from numerous studies regarding the regular consumption of fruit and vegetables. Only the 10% of people consuming 2-3 pieces of fruit per day and 3-5 servings of vegetables on a daily basis have the lowest rates of heart disease and cancer.

No 7:

You Are What You Don't Eat:

For around fifty years we have been bombarded by the nutritional world about the dangers of consuming large amounts of saturated fats. The reality is that the scientific evidence here is not that strong.

The real danger is synthetic food. The subtle and not so subtle amounts of trans fatty acids (synthetic fats), processed carbohydrates and additives in the variety of processed, packaged foods, bakery items and other fast foods are the real nutritional dangers to your longevity.

No 8:

Exercise and Movement:

There is rock solid evidence that people who perform regular exercise have around a 30% reduction in cardiovascular disease, cancer and an even greater reduction in osteoporosis.

Buy a pedometer and ensure you take around 10,000 steps per day. The longevity benefits are enormous

No 9:

Use it or Loose it

I am always bemused by the person who consults me stating that their years of being a high level athlete in their twenties is some current health advantage, twenty years later.

You only benefit from exercise for the time you are exercising. It is important to develop a lifelong exercise habit.

No 10:

Choose Your Vices Wisely -

I would venture to say there are not too many people on the planet who don't have an addiction to something.

From the very mild, subtle addictions, such as coffee or chocolate, to the serious skid row alcoholic or drug addict, most of us have something that gives us that buzz!

In low doses, some of these addictions may have a (weak) health benefit but the more serious addictions will always have a serious consequence.

Good health,

Dr Ross Walker